woodbridge cleaning services

What To Do Between Professional Tile Cleaning

tile grout cleaning company Woodbridge VAEveryone loves tile floors, and many more have tile showers in addition to the tile in the floors.  In fact, tile is very common in almost all areas of the home.  Durable, versatile and long lasting, tile is a wonderful choice for anyone who wants an extra special look in the home.  Tile is also easy to clean, especially when you depend on Imperial One Cleaning to help you keep it looking as good as the day it was installed.

Between your regular, professional tile cleanings, there are a few tips we have for you to keep it looking good.  The best solution is like we just said – regular, scheduled cleanings, so contact us today if we can help you with your home tile.  Until then, here are three good suggestions for your tile.

#1 – Clean spills immediately

This should go without saying, and we have already covered spills and accidents many times previous in our blog.  The porous nature of the tile and grout mean that if a spill sits, it will become a stain in short order.  Wipe it up as soon as you can for the best bet against a stain.

#2 – Shower time is not sauna time

We love to soak in the shower too.  Warm and wet are perfect environments for mold and mildew to take hold and settle in for a long visit.  Keep a shower quick and run the fans.  This will curtail the issues and hold them at a minimum.

#3 – Squeegee the shower

You know what a squeegee is.  If you clean your windshields when you gas up, the rubber part that cleans the water and soap off is the squeegee.  Clean the walls after each use and once a week spray down with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water to help fight mold and mildew.

Bonus tip – Call the professionals

You know we are already on your phone and come to your home for carpet cleaning.  We also do tile cleaning.  Schedule us to come do your carpets and tile to make double duty of your home’s deep cleaning experience.






cleaning services company woodbridge va